Success Stories

Our Journey Together

At CodeUp NT, every participant and mentor contributes to our growing community of tech innovators in the Northern Territory. Here are some of their stories.


What interns are saying

"Code Up NT help you build connections"

"Networking is key. Opportunities like Code Up NT help you build connections, enhance your profile, and gain hands-on experience, making it a must for IT graduates."

- Deep Patel

" Great technical skills to professional insights"

"It’s been a great experience with many new things to learn, from technical skills to professional insights. I’m grateful for the opportunity!"

- Muhammed Abed

"Opportunity for non-IT background"

"Coming from a non-IT background, the CodeUp NT program has been an incredible opportunity to gain hands-on experience, connect with like-minded individuals, and step into the real-world IT environment."

- Felix (Buu Dang Phan)

"Working in diverse teams"

"CodeUp NT has been a transformative experience, helping me adapt to working in diverse teams, enhance my programming skills, and understand how to collaborate effectively in a professional Australian environment."

- Howard Mai

"I feel confident"

"Now, I feel confident not only in coding but also in applying for tech jobs and communicating effectively. The experience has been extremely beneficial!"

- Binesh Maharjan

"Amazing people and mentors"

"This program has introduced me to amazing people and mentors, giving me a great chance to work collaboratively and enhance my skills in a supportive environment."

- Quang Thuan Nguyen (Vincent)

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Launch Your Tech Career in the Territory

Apply Now to secure your spot

Transform your passion for technology into a rewarding career through Northern Territory's premier software development internship program. At CodeUp NT, we are not just teaching code – we are building the next generation of tech professionals.

Apply Now to secure your spot

Transform your passion for technology into a rewarding career through Northern Territory's premier software development internship program. At CodeUp NT, we are not just teaching code – we are building the next generation of tech professionals.

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